Monday, January 19, 2009

It's the New Year...

A few things have happened since my last post. All of which, I would say, are good. Maybe that's because bad things are turned into good things in my mind. Anyway...

The first of these would be the fact that I've noticed people around me doing the same things I'm doing. I wish I could believe that it was because of me that they are changing, but I think that's bullshit. I think that everyone is constantly changing, and you only recognize the things you're familiar with. For instance, I ran into a friend of mine at a coffee shop, and he mentioned to me that he's "trying to make him self the best he can be..." He's not really going out and 'sarging' anymore; which is where I'm at. I realized that going out and practicing 'picking up women' all the time was turning me into a loser. I mean, my life went away and I was just focused on talking to girls every weekend. Now, I just talk to them when living my life puts me around a girl I'm interested in. Regardless, I'm doing better, and I'm happy to see that my friends are all improving themselves as well.

Secondly, over Christmas break I met an amazing girl. She was only visiting my city for Christmas, and I knew her from the past - but, we hung out and hit it off. She's back at home (miles away) now, but we're still keeping in touch. Having incredible (meaningful) sex sure does make casual sex far less fun. We'll see where this ends up...

Thirdly, like I said I've cut back on sarging. I no longer go out for the sole purpose of getting girls. I might do this next weekend with the 'lair' here in Houston, but other than that - I probably wont be doing it much. It just makes me feel like a loser. Saturday night I went to a club to hang out with my friends... we were having a great time - A couple of girls opened me (which never happens when I go out specifically to sarge) and I ended up taking the girl from my group out to the dance floor. She was on... I told her, "you feel what you did to me?" and she said... "Yeah, and I meant it." Lol. Not bad for not trying at all.

Lastly, there are a lot of things going on in my personal life. To keep this anonymous I'll just mention a minimum. I'm doing school again, and music. Both knowledge and art are very important to me. I've gotten back into those things, and my life seems to have picked up a bit.

Hope all is well,


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good that you're posting again. Not so sure about the font though, lol ;-)