Thursday, September 18, 2008

Hello Hurricane!

So, Houston experienced Hurricane Ike. I went with two of my closest friends to experience it first hand. I guess you could call it 'storm chasing.' That was definitely an experience. It really opened my eyes, and my mind. I have a greater respect for mother nature, I also realize now that the things people fear based on risk alone do not ALWAYS end in a bad way. Actually the percentages of risk involved with a great amount of things are incredibly low. People do things like evacuate cities to ELIMINATE risk. I'm fine with living my life with a little bit of risk. The hurricane helped me understand that.

Also, just the fact that the three of us went, and no one else would go really made me think about who I am (we are.) Either we're really crazy (which I doubt,) or we want to get the most out of life.

So as for game... I've been letting loose a little bit more. I just flirt more now. It's not like 'oh you're sexy' flirting but more like... 'Hey, give me your barret.' She says, 'give me your shirt..' I say, 'nope, the shirt will cost you two barrets.'

Just shit like that to get me talking to more and more women. I really need to start going balls to the wall.

Anyway, Houston is without power (for the most part) and my internet connection has yet to come online. I will definitely be sending updates soon as October is going to be a hell of a month. I haven't really done much to talk about recently. Besides getting back on track with investing/business planning as well as planning to be debt free in under 6 months... And BUYING my own place... I've just been doing a good amount of planning.

Talk soon.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hmm... I am still don't know where you are heading...